Friday, December 08, 2006

The Challenge: Day Four

Actually got an early start as I wanted to start mixing the track. Very quickly discovered that my desk is wired incorrectly. Joy. No smart arse coments about how I didn't notice that earlier, please. Knowing that i had about 8 hours of mixing to do that day, and a desk to rewire with no idea whether the problem lay with the cables or the strips themselves, I went to a movie.

However, I did come back and work, like a good girl. After a good five or so hours of mixing the instrumental parts, I realised that it was seriously missing parts (which was better than halfway through when I was convinced that the whole thing was utter bollocks because EQing instruments out of context is no fun). However, I managed to sort that out VERY successfully and then realise dhow exhausted I was and went to bed. Today I have five tasks to be going on with, and then the track should *fingers crossed* be finished, and I might even leave the house for a significant period of time on Saturday to celebrate.


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